Why Was GOD Angry with Moses and Aaron at the Rock?
The story of Moses and Aaron striking the rock at Meribah(Root word is RIB: means, the place of testing, quarreling, and the temptation to doubt GOD in the face of any form of hardship, thus, rebelling against GOD’S AUTHORITY) is one of the most profound lessons in HEARING, ADHERING and TRUSTING. Numbers 20:7–12- this teaching captures a striking example of how partial obedience can still amount to disobedience and why THAT grieved God deeply.
The instruction to Moses was clear: “SPEAK TO THE ROCK BEFORE THEIR EYES AND IT WILL YIELD ITS WATER.” However, in frustration with and distracted by the people’s constant complaints and spewing of negativity, Moses struck the rock twice with his staff INSTEAD of speaking to it as GOD had commanded. While the water still flowed, GOD was angry. GOD’S response was swift and sobering: “BECAUSE YOU DID NOT TRUST IN ME TO HONOR ME AS HOLY IN THE SIGHT OF THE PEOPLE, YOU WILL NOT BRING THIS COMMUNITY INTO THE LAND I GIVE THEM.”
Why Was God Angry?
1.Disobedience Masked as Partial Obedience: Moses and Aaron ALTERED AND DEVIATED from the original instruction. How many times, whether out of fear or lack of trust, have we altered or deviated from a DIVINE INSTRUCTION? YOU WANNA PISS GOD OFF…ALTER OR DEVIATE FROM A DIRECT, DIVINE INSTRUCTION! That’s exactly what they did.
2. A Missed Opportunity for Worship AND true connection: The divine instruction to ‘SPEAK TO THE ROCK’ was to glorify GOD not Moses! Moses succumbed to the complaints, negativity and grumbling of the people and struck the rock TWICE out of frustration and THAT became the pinnacle of attention and priority as opposed to THE INSTRUCTION. This caused Moses to become misaligned emotionally. Yes, his emotions got the very best of him! Never allow someone else’s negativity, complaining or grumbling to distract you to the degree where it not only displeases but angers GOD! The miraculous provision of water would have been a demonstration of GOD’S power working through their obedience. By striking the rock, Moses shifted focus to his own actions rather than pointing the people to GOD’S HOLINESS AND ABILITY TO ALWAYS PROVIDE. It is my belief that GOD was trying to teach true dependence and surrender to divine timing and provision and Moses intercepted that teaching with his failure to fully comply with the INSTRUCTION. He didn’t trust GOD as much as he professed and nor did he have the capacity to ignore the chatter. This was way more than a minor infraction; it was an unfortunate breach of trust in GOD’S perfect plan!
Lessons for Us Today
1. ADHERENCE TO THE VOICE OF THE MOST HIGH MATTERS IN EVERY DETAIL… Divine instructions may not always make sense to us but trust the voice of GOD completely, not altering the divine commands to suit or pacify our feelings.
2. THE GLORY OF GOD COMES FIRST …Your actions should display the greatness of GOD.
3. PARTIAL OBEDIENCE IS STILL DISOBEDIENCE …Small compromises can lead to big consequences. Just as Moses’ actions barred him from the Promised Land, our own moments of disobedience can hinder us from experiencing and displaying the fullness of GOD.
God’s anger at Moses and Aaron was not about the water flowing; it flowed ANYWAY. It was about their failure to fully HEAR AND ADHERE TO THE INSTRUCTION. This story reminds us that obedience is more than action, it’s an expression of reverence, faith, and humility IN, OF AND BEFORE A HOLY GOD. Let us remember that every instruction from GOD, no matter how simple or complex, carries weight and significance. THIS IS THE BLUEPRINT TO HONORING, DRAWING CLOSER TO AND DISPLAYING THE TRUE HEART OF GOD!
#STEPHANIETHEAUTHOR: Please follow me on my social media links below and purchase your copy of my book titled, ’33 MIRRORS’.
Oh yeah this was a good one. We don’t receive these downloads and instructions for nothing. Hear and ADHERE. Listen and APPLY. Receive and TAKE ACTION.